1969 Society

The Mt. Vernon Education Foundation has the critical mission of advancing the achievements of world-class public education by connecting private funding to innovative and entrepreneurial programs that benefit the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation and our community.

The 1969 Society exists to champion the idea of private dollars supporting public education in the Mt. Vernon community. It was developed to honor Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation when the district celebrated 50 years. Our 1969 Society members understand the importance of making a difference. We invite you to join us as a member of the Mt. Vernon Education Foundation’s newest and most exciting donor society.

Joining the 1969 Society is simple. All unrestricted gifts of at least $1000 per year to the Annual Fund qualify you for membership. Gifts must be fulfilled by July 31st of each year. The 1969 Society gifts help Mt. Vernon Education Foundation provide support for the teachers and students of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation.

Benefits of Membership

Though we count on your leadership, we never take it for granted.

Donors of $1000(+) to the Annual Fund received the following benefits:

  • Invitations to a donor appreciation reception, the Hall of Fame Reception and other special events.
  • Recognition as a member of the society on the MVEF website
  • A distinctive memento for 1969 Society Members
  • And, most importantly, the knowledge that a 1969 Society level contribution helps to ensure Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation’s continued excellence and innovation for future generations.

If your company matches gifts, please let both the company and MVEF know.