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iGive MV Payroll Deduction Campaign

As an MVCSC employee, through the MVCSC Payroll Deduction program, teachers and staff have the opportunity to donate a specified amount directly from their paycheck each pay period. This is a great and easy way for staff to continue to share their commitment to our students and schools. Once a staff member signs up for this program, they do not have to re-up each year and continue to stay enrolled as a donor.

Only $1 per paycheck makes a HUGE difference! And 100% of all funds received through this program are returned to Mt. Vernon schools and teachers through Innovative Learning Classroom Grants. When we share with our donors/grantors that we have almost 70% participation from our MV staff-they are blown away by your commitment! It in turn helps MVEF to secure additional grant funding to put right back into our schools and classrooms.

In celebration of MVEF’s 15th Anniversary, we are offering something extra special this year. Any employee who adds $15 to their annual pledge for this year only will be a part of the MVEF VIP15 Club! In celebration and in appreciation, you will receive additional perks and surprises throughout the year including a $5 gift card from the foundation. If you pledge a $1 a paycheck plus the 15+ it equates to an additional .57 cents a pay period and it is tax-deductible!

Complete by clicking the form below